Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm not that girl.

Yes, it's true. I went to the 12:31 showing of 'New Moon' the night it came out. Let me 'splain...no, no, let me sum up... My good friend, MJ we shall call her, has a cousin. This cousin has a friend. And this friend (I gather) is in love with Twilight. She rented out a theater for a private showing and then needed people to fill it up. So, MJ invited me to go, and I accepted. One month ago.
I liked the first movie; I've read the first two books; so I thought, "What the heck. I might as well!" Although I only got approximately 3 hours of sleep on a school night and was a walking Zombie the entire next day, I am glad I went. It was a lot of fun! But, lest you think any differently about me, I wanted to assure you that I am not one of "those" fans. And by "those" I of course mean these:

I do not buy ridiculously large blankets with Edwards' pale, pale face on them.

I do not enjoy standing in line for hours to get the newest Twilight book coordinating a black T-shirt and red sash with the rest of my crazy Twilight friends.

I also do not enjoy tatooing the three book logos to my back!!! EW!! Can you even imagine?! I apologize for even posting this image. ew.

That said, please do not be offended if you have done one or all of the above. I'm not judging you - just the crazy things you do.
And now, the favorite parts of the my midnight movie experience are as follows:

1. The 45 year old woman who screamed her head off every time Jacob took off his shirt. (I heard that this actor is only 18? yikes.)
2. Almost being trampled as we entered the theater (even though our tickets were numbered and given assigned seats.)
3. Eating those candy word-hearts (Twilight version) with things like, "I love you for eternity because I'm a vampire and I never die" and "Bite me" written on them. (Ok - so those were heavily paraphrased... I can't remember the exact wording, but you get the idea.)
4. Watching the scene where Alice's vision of Bella as a vampire shows them frolicking in the woods with flowy, pastel colored clothes. EVERYONE in the theater laughed there heads off at this... and I was pleased.
5. It was just fun. If I was going to watch the movie at all, this was for sure the night and the crowd to do it with. So, if you have not seen the movie, I recommend it honestly. Just make sure you go with some crazy fans. It makes it all a lot more entertaining!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I have a problem.

I was looking through some recent and not so recent pictures today and I discovered something tragic. It's a sensitive subject, so please don't make fun. My issue is... I have a dorky-picture-hand. You see, if ever a picture is taken wherein my left hand is visible, the darn thing doesn't know what to do. My hand gets nervous and instead of doing something normal - like hanging limply at the end of my arm - it convulses and moves until it hangs in a rather strange position. Observe:

** Here we see lefty with fingers slightly bent, not sure whether it wants to straighten all the way, or
curl up on itself. Tragedy.

I even tried to cover it with something more attractive, like beautiful Fall leaves.
**See. Weirdo-hand.

Even when I try to do something else, give it a chance to be supported by a hip or side, it still acts bewildered.**See what I mean!? Why must it just rest there as if injured and too sore to move.
Can't it grab a hold of something?

Here it is again. This time jutting out into nowhere for no reason at all!

This one is especially bad. Family photo shoot. Look closely, you'll see what I mean...
And again...**AHHH!

I would appreciate any advise you could give me. I am desperate for help.

And now, we will close this post with a little something from my right hand - who obviously also needs a different kind of help. This was purely accidental, I swear. It is hilarious that it was caught on camera though. And entering the MTC no less....

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Never Ending Story is such a great movie!

And that has nothing to do with this entry. I was just thinking about how much I love that movie.

I feel like I can't blog until I have something interesting to post so my blogging tends to be spread out. That said, I cannot say that I am writing due to something interesting happening - more that I haven't written anything in so dang long. Can my life possibly be that un-interesting? Guess so.

The least (or most rather) I can do is give you an update and exaggerate to make me sound cooler.

School takes up the majority of my time and all of my energy right now. I am learning how to better balance my life so I don't completely burn out which is good. That consists of leaving as soon as my contract time hits and not thinking about school until 5:30 the next morning, at which time I plan my days lessons. Leaving things to the last minute? Maybe. Does it work for me? Definitely yes. My students are super awesome. I love the constant prompting to get my ADD kiddos on task, the incessant re-directing of my always tuned out kids, and saying "no" over and over to my 'I'm-doing-everything-I-can-to-avoid-work' kids. It's fantastic! I actually mean that, though. I'm not trying to be all that sarcastic. It's a lot of work and you must have approximately 6 hands and 4 eyes to do it, but it can be done! This year compared to my last year is a million trillion times more manageable!

In life outside of school we have, well, life stuff. I'm very proud of myself as of late for my better exercising habits! I live about one minute away from the Provo river trail and I love, love to run it often! It has been difficult since my past knee surgery to find something to keep me in shape without playing soccer and running has been a great substitute. The other day while running the trail, I did happen to see a some deer on the trail. Then, right after that, I saw the biggest moose I've ever seen! I just ran on past and it didn't seem to mind. And then, that was my exaggeration ... I probably would have jumped into the river had I seen a moose! ok - I'm not so good at this exaggerating to make things more awesome so I guess it's time to close this post. Thanks for reading! Until next time.